View Full Version : which IT Return form (ITR 1 or ITR 4), I need to submit?

Anil Patil
18-02-2010, 09:04 PM
Hi, I am working as an employee in an organization and also have an LIC agency. So I am getting salary as well as agency commission both as income. Could you please guide me, which IT Return form (ITR 1 or ITR 4), I need to submit?

19-02-2010, 01:23 AM
As far as my understanding goes, it is income from Business and Profession thus ITR 4 needs to be filled and submitted. Make Income and expense statement with all the expenses incurred in earning the commission.

19-02-2010, 02:21 AM
Hi, I am working as an employee in an organization and also have an LIC agency. So I am getting salary as well as agency commission both as income. Could you please guide me, which IT Return form (ITR 1 or ITR 4), I need to submit?
It's depend upon you, which of the profession is your main income source, If it is your business then consider it under Business or Profession head and claim and related expenses - ITR 4; otherwise under 'Income from Other sources' - ITR 1.