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Thread: Is it compulsory to sell minimum policy for each year to continue as LIC Agent?

  1. #1
    PolicyWala Newbie
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Question Is it compulsory to sell minimum policy for each year to continue as LIC Agent?

    Is it compulsory to sell minimum policy for each year to continue as LIC Agent? Or will the license be cancelled?

    If we don’t get any policy then what happen?

  2. #2
    PW Fan tigershark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Minimum business – You need to do is 12 lives (12 policies of different people) and total minimum premium of 1 lakh in one year.
    The year is defined as Agency Year,(E.g. If agent took agency in the month of July’2011, The Agency Year would be July’2011 – July’2012 )
    If you are not able to achieve minimum business, then your agency will be terminated.
    It can be reinstated with certain conditions.

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