Asset Allocator
Are you an aggressive investor who wants to ride the equity markets? Or are you more conservative, comfortable investing in assured return products? Go through our Risk Analyzer to find out what your asset allocation should be, keeping in mind your risk capacity and your risk behavior.
Asset Allocator

Inflation Erosion index
Inflation can easily erode the corpus that we set aside for our post-retirement needs. This erosion happens due to the fact that our corpus might not earn an interest that keeps pace with rising costs.

To find out how inflation will impact your expenses in the future, use our inflation index calculator to find out how your current expenses will grow in the future. You need to enter your current expense figures in the Inflation Index Calculator, your expected rate of inflation, and the no. of years in the future you will incur the expense.
Inflation Erosion Index Calculator

Power of Compounding
The most powerful boost your money can get is time. Invested properly over a long period of time, money can grow to many times its original amount - the longer the tenure of investment, the greater will be the corpus amount.

The name of the game is to invest early and to invest regularly. To further gain an understanding of this concept, try doing your own experiments with our Simple Compounding Calculator.
Power Compounding Calculator

Human Life Value Calculator
Investment in insurance is an essential requirement for one's financial planning to be complete. However, the quantum of insurance that one needs is a function of one's income, assets, liabilities and future goals.
Insurance/Human Life Value Calculator

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