In case you are an unfortunate victim of any road accident and do not know the insurance details of the vehicle responsible for accident to lodge a claim with the concerned insurer, you can now get the insurance status of the vehicle by entering some basic details on IIB website, such as details of accident, Registration no. of vehicle etc.
The web portal “Vehicle Insurance Status Search” is developed by Insurance Information Bureau (created by IRDA).
What is Insurance Information Bureau or IIB?
The Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) has digitalised records for vehicle insurance online since April 1, 2010.
Data you Need:
1. Name
2. Email-id or Mobile number
3. Address
4. Registration number
5. Accident Date
6. Place of Accident (If you know)
How to Get the Info
Logon to IIB – Accident Vehicle Information Retrieval System
Enter requested details as listed above. The associated live policy details of the searched vehicle will be provided and in case of non-availability of live policy details, previous policy details is provided. In case search is unsuccessful based on Vehicle Registration number, you can also search based on engine number and chassis number.
Things to Take Care
1. Registration Number should be entered without any special characters E.g.(AP01AT1234).
2. If the vehicle is insured in last two months than you won’t find any data. As there is a time lag of two months in submission of policy data by insurers to Data Repository.
3. In case of new vehicles, only Chassis and Engine Numbers are submitted by insurers at the time of issuing the policy.
4. The search is based on data submitted by insurers for the period starting from 01/04/2010.
5. The search facility is limited to a maximum of three times for a particular mobile number or Email ID.
6. For such vehicles, where details are not available, you may approach the concerned RTA for details of vehicle owner, address etc.